On this page...
1. Will I hear improvements?
2. What cables should I upgrade first?
3. What cable level should I get?
4. What are the improvements between models as I move up higher?
5. I have a limited budget. What would you recommend?
6. What is the "sweet spot" in your cable line?
7. Speaker cables... which one should I get for my amplifier power?
8. Power cables... what would you recommend for my equipment?
9. What are the most important cables to upgrade in a home theater?
"As soon as I installed them I heard an enormous improvement in clarity, dynamics, imaging and sound staging. The treble was crystalline clear without any edginess. The bass was also thunderous. I hear it’s only supposed to get better!" - David K
1. Will I hear improvements?
This is the most frequent question that we receive. The answer is, yes! Not only will you hear improvements, you will hear profound improvements in all areas including soundstage, musicality, bass, speed, realism and toe tapping excitement. As you replace your cables with our design, you are ridding the distortion causing elements that your old cables were producing. This allows more information to come through. You will hear much more of your music. Click here to learn more about our SSI Cable Technology.
2. What cables should I upgrade first in my system?
If you have the finances, we highly recommend replacing all the cables at one time from your favorite source to the speakers. This will allow you to experience the full benefits of our SSI Cable Technology. learn more
There are two opinions as to where to start upgrading cables. Should one start with the speaker cables, then upgrade the cables back to the source components? Or, should one start with the source components and upgrade the cables forward toward the speakers? Both are fine, however, we recommend starting with the speaker cables and working your way back to the source components. This way, no matter what source you play, there will be an immediate improvement. If you decide otherwise, that is fine too.
We then recommend upgrading the power cords for your power amplifiers, then preamp and finally the source components. Replacing your cables in this order will realize the greatest sonic improvements and enjoyment as you complete each step.
This upgrade path is what we recommended for speaker cables and interconnects:
speakers to power amp > power amp to preamp > preamp, integrated or receiver to source components
This upgrade path is recommended for power cords:
from wall plug to conditioner > power amp or powered speakers > preamp, integrated or receiver > source components
"Listening to Thelonious Monk's Brilliant Corners, I was just blown away with the dynamics on snare drum strikes and the tonality and dimensions of the Sonny Rollins tenor sax. The plucks of Oscar Pettiford's bass was so complete! It brought so much texture and color to each note that I couldn't believe it. These cables just make me want to listen and enjoy my whole library of music with a greater sense of dynamics and tonality from each and every LP. Many thanks to all the people at Morrow, your product rocks!" - William S |
3. What cable level should I get?
With our cables, the higher you go in the line, the more runs of our SSI Technology wire is in the cable structure. This provides higher and higher resolution as you move up the line due to the greater overall surface for the signal to travel.
The gauge of the individual wires also become smaller at certain levels in our line. These individual wire gage reductions occur at series 1, series 2, series 4 and at series 7 for interconnects, Y cables, speaker cables and subwoofer cables.
We recommend going as high up in the line as you can afford. See our technology here.
4. What are the improvements between models as I move up higher?
You can expect a 15% to 20% improvement in sound for each level as you move up the line. The improvements are in soundstage, resolution, realism, musical presentation, impact, etc.
15% to 20% improvement for the SP2 compared to the SP1.
15% to 20% improvement for the SP3 compared to the SP2.
15% to 20% improvement for the SP4 compared to the SP3, etc.
The same applies for all our cables; Interconnects, phono cables, subwoofer cables, power cables, etc.
5. I have a limited budget. What would you recommend?
We recommend for those on a limited budget, to put the largest part of your overall budget into the speaker cables. When customers with a limited budget call us, we usually recommend the SP4 speaker cables combined with the MA2 or MA3 interconnects. If this cannot be done, then we recommend a lower speaker cable model combined with lower model interconnects.
Here are some examples:
SP6 speaker cables with MA3 or MA4 interconnects.
SP4 speaker cables with MA2 interconnects.
SP2 or SP3 speaker cables with MA1 interconnects.
MA1 interconnects on the source components, MA2 interconnects between the preamp and power amps, SP3 or SP4 speaker cables.
6. What is the "sweet spot" in your cable line?
The series 4 cables, IE, MA4 interconnects, SP4 speaker cables, etc are what we would call the "sweet spot" in the line. This level will provide a great experience and flexibility concerning amplifier power for most systems.
7. Speaker cables... Which one should I get for my amplifier power?
Keep in mind that even though you might have a high powered amplifier, if you have efficient speakers, you are only using a small portion of that wattage to achieve a normal listening level. As an example, if you have speakers with a 98db efficiency rating, you will only be using 1 to 10 watts of amplifier power to reach normal listening levels.
The following is a general guide for the maximum power on specific speaker cable models. You can go higher in the line as well for greater resolution.
SP1 Speaker Cables: Amplifiers up to 100 Watts continuous/ 200 Watts peak per channel.
SP2 Speaker Cables: Amplifiers up to 130 Watts continuous/ 250 Watts peak per channel.
SP3 Speaker Cables: Amplifiers up to 150 Watts continuous/ 300 Watts peak per channel.
SP4 Speaker Cables: Amplifiers up to 170 Watts continuous/ 340 Watts peak per channel.
SP5 Speaker Cables: Amplifiers up to 200 Watts continuous/ 400 Watts peak per channel.
SP6 models and up Speaker Cables: Any Wattage.
"I am now in my third month with my SP5s, and yes they live up to all of the claims that are made about them. They separate and delineate each instrument throughout the entire frequency spectrum, all while adding soundstage depth and width. The sound of immediacy is astounding and the presence addicting. Buying these cables has transformed my system enough that I have replaced all of my interconnects and speaker cables with Morrow Audio cables. What I really found amazing is finding out what stranded cable distortions sound like. Now that I know what it sounds like, I hear it everywhere, and am thankful that I have rid my audio system of them." - REPete |
8. Power cables... What would you recommend for my equipment?
Our full line of power cables will work for any component in a system. Just like our other cables, as you move up the line, we introduce more runs of wire in the cable structure. The Elite and Anniversary level adds the very nice Furutech AC plug and IEC.
Our general recommendation is as follows:
Power Conditioners: MAP3 - Anniversary, MAP2 for those on a limited budget.
Source Components: MAP1 - MAP3
Integrated Amplifiers & Receivers: MAP2 - MAP4, MAP1 for lower power units.
Power Amplifiers & Subwoofers: MAP3 - Anniversary, MAP1 - MAP2 for lower power units.
9. What are the most important cables to upgrade in a home theater?
The most important cables to upgrade in a home theater are the front left, right and center channels. Upgrade all the interconnects and speaker cables related to those channels. The rear and surround channels are not as critical. You can use our lower models in those locations. Follow the same path for upgrading your power cords.